What is mould induced asthma and who is at risk?
Asthma is a common condition and unfortunately, up to 339 million people throughout the world live with this condition every day. Asthma symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe, but no matter what the symptoms, it is truly frightening when you cannot catch your breath. Part of the problem for asthma sufferers is the fact that triggers can be around any corner and sometimes, lurking in the corner of your home.
Social housing is a very important part of our society. It helps thousands of people each year enjoy affordable housing and keeps many from living off the streets. However, the primary drawback to social housing is the ongoing social housing crisis in which properties are not always maintained adequately. This is especially true with mould. Mould spores can lurk in homes growing for a very long period of time and without proper evacuation, they can spread throughout the entire home.
Asthma sufferers moving into social housing can have a severe problem. Even mild asthma patients have reported an uptick in symptoms while living in social housing properties. Unfortunately, children are the primary sufferers when it comes to mould and asthma issues and some cases have already turned fatal. Social housing must do more for their tenants to ensure the safety of the entire family. It is not enough to say they are going to act. Action needs to be taken immediately if we are going to safe children and families living in social housing.
Families in social housing at risk
During the 1980s, there was a significant increase in the number of social housing being built. These homes were new and built to the latest standards. Approximately 31.7% of England’s population lived in social housing, but by 2017 those numbers have declined to 17.17%. That might sound great and certainly a decline in the number of people inhabiting social housing, supposedly doing better financially, is promising, but there remains a problem.
Many of the homes built in the 1980s remain in use. Although certain upgrades may have been made for some properties, not all have been properly maintained throughout the years. People still need social housing to make life better for themselves, but with mould being an all too common occurrence in social housing, their lives will not get better and could, potentially get much worse.
An endless loop
Anyone who has ever had an asthma attack can attest to the fact that an attack will come on quickly without much warning. In some cases, patients must be rushed to hospital to find relief. Asthma also must be maintained by daily medication and expensive inhalers. Often, parents or guardians must miss work to take asthma sufferers to the doctor for checkups, refills on medications, and treatment. That loss of income is certainly no way to make it out of social housing.
Essentially, mould in social housing creates a loop that is difficult to get out of. While saving for a home out of the social housing circle, you may have to invest more in asthma medications and treatments, making it far more difficult to break the cycle. Government agencies continue to ignore mould related issues, such as increased asthma symptoms, and the whole process continues to loop.
The housing crisis
The waiting list for social housing is remarkably high. However, construction of new, safe homes runs at a snail’s pace. The decline in home building throughout England has been on a downward spiral for decades. No matter how few homes are built, there remains an exorbitant among of families in need of safe, comfortable housing.
The housing crisis has been placed on a shelf by greedy politicians who propose budget cuts from agencies that are supposed to help low income individuals in favour of more profitable projects. The government needs to look for alternative ways to provide essential housing in an affordable way that remains on budget, but time and again, families that require a leg up are left fending for themselves. home.
How SilverOak Solicitors can assist you
Have you been the victim of mould induced asthma due to unfavourable conditions in social housing? Or, perhaps, have you been overlooked by those in charge of social housing. Act now and contact SilverOak Solicitors.
We represent countless individuals that have been victimized by those that are meant to help and care of their safety. Our team of housing disrepair solicitors can help you get the maximum compensation your deserve. We work on a Risk Free, No Win No Fee basis.
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